6:29 min
Two step blow moulding systems
SACMI presents its latest innovations for the beverage industry at K 2010
There’s an appointment at Düsseldorf that can’t be missed. The K 2010 exhibition, an international trade show dedicated to technologies for processing plastic and rubber materials, will take place from October 27 to November 3. This exceptional showcase, at which SACMI will ...
1:11 min
Two step blow moulding systems
Ringier Technology Innovation Awards for its Predis™ dry preform decontamination system
On June 3, Sidel was presented the ‘Ringier Technology Innovation Award’ for its Predis™ dry preform decontamination system at an award ceremony held at the FiA 2010 (Food Ingredients Asia) in Shanghai (China). The Ringier Technology Award is held annually as a tribute ...