0:58 min
Preform moulds
Otto Hofstetter AG invests 3.5 million EURO in a new building
This year the world-famous mouldmaking enterprise Otto Hofstetter AG erects a new building increasing its production area by a total of 2,200 m2. This substantial capacity increase is necessary to be able to cope with the markedly higher global demand for the moulds of this Swiss ...
2:10 min
PET recycling systems
PLAST'09: viscotec and recycling technology present latest advances
recycling technology and viscotec, both divisions of Starlinger & Co GmbH, Vienna, will give an overview of their product portfolio at PLAST'09/Milano in cooperation with companies SML and Maplan from Starlinger Group as well: Hall 24, booth C04. Starlinger viscotec offers ...
3:11 min
Bottle development and design
Meapet, Dubai: Sacmi to present the latest international neck finish trends
Inevitably, the effects of the global financial crisis are now being felt by the beverage industry. The progressive erosion of global demand for PET is a plain fact; every company in the world that is in this business is going to have to deal with it. It’s a fact that requires ...