
Meapet, Dubai: Sacmi to present the latest international neck finish trends

3:11 min Bottle development and design
Imola, BO, Italy

Inevitably, the effects of the global financial crisis are now being felt by the beverage industry. The progressive erosion of global demand for PET is a plain fact; every company in the world that is in this business is going to have to deal with it. It’s a fact that requires countermeasures: only those able to respond, to grasp the opportunities for change and renewal that lie within the crisis, will be able to be competitive.This is the premise of the tenth edition of Meapet: the international conference, dedicated to the world of PET, will be held in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates on 23rd-24th February. Under the slogan “Striving to boost performance”, the meeting aims to identify and assess, together with the major international players of the PET business, the strategies that need to be implemented to ward off the crisis; it also aims to identify which world markets still offer promising growth and development opportunities, the foremost being the Middle East.Even on these markets, though, it’s the capacity for innovation that counts, the capacity to come up with new solutions from both a technical and design viewpoint. Such a capacity will be the subject of the talk given by Sacmi or, more specifically, by Filippo Pastorini, Middle East area sales manager of the Sacmi Closures&Containers Division. His presentation will aim to provide international operators with a detailed assessment of global neck finish trends, that is, trends concerning bottle neck finishing. This very specific area has considerable implications for technology, design, closure safety systems, productivity enhancement, minimising cycle times and reducing energy consumption, all without giving an inch when it comes to quality – in fact, we aim to raise quality higher and higher!Sacmi believes that this is the right way to respond to the changes now affecting the PET business and, more generally, the beverage industry. So it’s no chance occurrence that Mr. Pastorini’s talk – scheduled for 2.40 pm on the first day – will be followed by in-depth analysis of the latest technological innovations concerning the pre-form, PET packaging and the promising dairy-cheese industry service fronts: all areas in which Sacmi has led the way on international markets these last few years, as the thousands of plants installed worldwide clearly demonstrate.The second day, instead, will focus on the prospects for the Middle East where the conference is being held. This will provide a useful update on Middle Eastern market trends, especially the United Arab Emirates, which has been the focal point of the industrial and sales policies of the world-oriented Sacmi Group for some time now.


Valentina Gollini

PR&Adv Dept.

tel. +39 0542 607 607

fax +39 0542 646 607

PETnology Europe 2025 Pre Programm Registration

Inevitably, the effects of the global financial crisis are now being felt by the beverage industry. The progressive erosion of global demand for PET is a plain fact; every company in the world that is in this business is going to have to deal with it. It’s a fact that requires countermeasures: only those able to respond, to grasp the opportunities for change and renewal that lie within the crisis, will be able to be competitive.

This is the premise of the tenth edition of Meapet: the international conference, dedicated to the world of PET, will be held in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates on 23rd-24th February. Under the slogan “Striving to boost performance”, the meeting aims to identify and assess, together with the major international players of the PET business, the strategies that need to be implemented to ward off the crisis; it also aims to identify which world markets still offer promising growth and development opportunities, the foremost being the Middle East.

Even on these markets, though, it’s the capacity for innovation that counts, the capacity to come up with new solutions from both a technical and design viewpoint. Such a capacity will be the subject of the talk given by Sacmi or, more specifically, by Filippo Pastorini, Middle East area sales manager of the Sacmi Closures&Containers Division. His presentation will aim to provide international operators with a detailed assessment of global neck finish trends, that is, trends concerning bottle neck finishing. This very specific area has considerable implications for technology, design, closure safety systems, productivity enhancement, minimising cycle times and reducing energy consumption, all without giving an inch when it comes to quality – in fact, we aim to raise quality higher and higher!

Sacmi believes that this is the right way to respond to the changes now affecting the PET business and, more generally, the beverage industry. So it’s no chance occurrence that Mr. Pastorini’s talk – scheduled for 2.40 pm on the first day – will be followed by in-depth analysis of the latest technological innovations concerning the pre-form, PET packaging and the promising dairy-cheese industry service fronts: all areas in which Sacmi has led the way on international markets these last few years, as the thousands of plants installed worldwide clearly demonstrate.

The second day, instead, will focus on the prospects for the Middle East where the conference is being held. This will provide a useful update on Middle Eastern market trends, especially the United Arab Emirates, which has been the focal point of the industrial and sales policies of the world-oriented Sacmi Group for some time now.

Valentina Gollini
PR&Adv Dept.
tel. +39 0542 607 607
fax +39 0542 646 607
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