PETnology Europe 2025

Vietnam: Textile polyester plant for PVTex

2:10 min PET processing
Berlin, Germany

Uhde Inventa-Fischer has won a contract for a textile-grade polyester plant with their customer Petrovietnam-Vinatex Dinh Vu Petrochemical and Fiber Joint Stock Company, Vietnam (PVTex). The main contractor is a consortium of Hyundai Engineering, Seoul/Korea, LG International Corporation, Seoul/Korea and PetroVietnam Construction, Hanoi/Vietnam. Uhde Inventa-Fischer is the licensor for the polyester technology based on their 2R system. The plant with a daily capacity of 500 tons (180,000 t/year) will be built in Vietnam, in Dinh Vu Industrial Zone, Hai Phong City. The total turn-key plant investment for the 2R polyester polycondensation, direct filament- and fiber spinning, the staple fiber lines and utility plants is about US$ 324 million. Uhde Inventa-Fischer supplies the 2R polyester polycondensation plant equipped with the ESPREE® and DISCAGE® reactors. Construction of the plant will begin in July 2010; it is expected to be on-stream in 2011. It will produce polyester fibers and filaments directly. PVTex invests in the most economical as well as the most modern 2R polyester polycondensation technology based on the raw materials PTA and EG. Uhde Inventa-Fischer’s scope of supply includes the license, basic engineering, detail engineering including the melt lines from the ESPREE® via the DISCAGE® and the melt distribution to several connected direct spinning lines. It further includes procurement of key equipment, supervision of construction, erection and commissioning as well as training of the operating personnel. For the Vietnamese textile industry this government-supported investment means an important step to more autonomy in the textile sector. After its completion the Plant will cover approx. 40 % of the domestic textile polyester demand in Vietnam.


Astrid Ongena

Marketing Assistant

Phone: +49-(0)30-43567-663

Fax: +49-(0)30-43567-899

Uhde Inventa-Fischer has won a contract for a textile-grade polyester plant with their customer Petrovietnam-Vinatex Dinh Vu Petrochemical and Fiber Joint Stock Company, Vietnam (PVTex). The main contractor is a consortium of Hyundai Engineering, Seoul/Korea, LG International Corporation, Seoul/Korea and PetroVietnam Construction, Hanoi/Vietnam. Uhde Inventa-Fischer is the licensor for the polyester technology based on their 2R system. The plant with a daily capacity of 500 tons (180,000 t/year) will be built in Vietnam, in Dinh Vu Industrial Zone, Hai Phong City. 

The total turn-key plant investment for the 2R polyester polycondensation, direct filament- and fiber spinning, the staple fiber lines and utility plants is about US$ 324 million. Uhde Inventa-Fischer supplies the 2R polyester polycondensation plant equipped with the ESPREE® and DISCAGE® reactors. 

Construction of the plant will begin in July 2010; it is expected to be on-stream in 2011. It will produce polyester fibers and filaments directly. 

PVTex invests in the most economical as well as the most modern 2R polyester polycondensation technology based on the raw materials PTA and EG. 

Uhde Inventa-Fischer’s scope of supply includes the license, basic engineering, detail engineering including the melt lines from the ESPREE® via the DISCAGE® and the melt distribution to several connected direct spinning lines. It further includes procurement of key equipment, supervision of construction, erection and commissioning as well as training of the operating personnel. 

For the Vietnamese textile industry this government-supported investment means an important step to more autonomy in the textile sector. After its completion the Plant will cover approx. 40 % of the domestic textile polyester demand in Vietnam.

Astrid Ongena
Marketing Assistant
Phone: +49-(0)30-43567-663
Fax: +49-(0)30-43567-899
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