
(Photo credit: Keep Scottland Beautiful)

Recycling Campaign

Transforming Glasgow's relationship with single-use cups

Stirling, United Kingdom

Keep Scotland Beautiful is excited to announce the launch of our Cup Movement in Glasgow - Scotland's first cup recycling and behaviour change campaign.

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The Cup Movement is the company's trial initiative to stop single-use cups either going to landfill or ending up as litter and is our response to growing public concern about the environmental impact of single-use items.

With an estimated 95 million single-use cups being used in the Greater Glasgow area every year, KSB's pioneering project will tackle this issue head on by transforming recycling infrastructure and encouraging people to adopt more sustainable behaviours. The initiative has the support and backing of the Scottish Government, Glasgow City Council and some of the UK’s biggest brands including Costa Coffee, Greggs, McDonalds UK, Pret A Manger and Starbucks UK.

Contrary to popular belief, hot and cold drinks cups can be recycled, and the Cup Movement aims to collect and recycle as many as possible in Glasgow. The initiative will encourage all sectors and organisations of all types and sizes across the city to support the Cup Movement and help solve the problem.

Throughout 2019, the Cup Movement will also be working with partners to encourage Glasgow’s thousands of regular cup users to think carefully about their everyday choices. Over the longer term, the initiative will also focus on inspiring people to move to re-usable cups and encouraging behaviour change.

This will be the largest cup collection and behaviour change initiative of its kind in Scotland and, if successful, it could be rolled out across other cities.

The Scottish Government is backing the initiative, Environment Secretary Roseanna Cunningham said:

“I am delighted to be supporting the Cup Movement in Glasgow. With up to 500 million single-use cups being used in Scotland every year, we all need to do our bit to make sure they don’t end up littering our streets and our seas.

“Tackling our reliance on throwaway cups and encouraging people to make the right choices are important steps in helping build a sustainable future for Scotland. That’s why the we decided to remove single-use coffee cups from the Scottish Government’s main buildings last year. I’m sure the people of Glasgow will get behind the movement with equal passion.”

Cup recyclers, Simply Cups, will lead on the collection and recycling service, giving cups a new lease of life by turning them into reusable products.

Derek Robertson, Chief Executive Officer of Keep Scotland Beautiful, commented:

“The Cup Movement in Glasgow is a truly collaborative initiative that has been 18 months in the planning with some of the UK’s leading coffee chains. By bringing together businesses, institutions and people, we will be working hard to reach each and every cup before it becomes litter or landfill. Whether it be through recycling or switching to a reusable cup, we want people to realise they have an opportunity to be part of a positive movement for change.” 

Glasgow City Council has been confirmed as the first member of the cup collection service, setting an example for other organisations and businesses to follow.

Councillor Richardson, City Convener for Sustainability & Carbon Reduction, said: “The Cup Movement in Glasgow is about reducing the consumption of disposable cups, promoting reusable alternatives and making disposable cups easier to recycle.

“I am delighted that Glasgow City Council was the first organisation to sign up to the Cup Movement in Glasgow and I really hope the city gets right behind this crucial campaign.

“We are already incentivising the use of reusable cups at our council facilities and we also want to work closely with businesses, third sector groups and other organisations to deliver actions that make a real difference.

“Simply throwing away a disposable cup is a waste of resources. By helping to change the culture around we consume our drinks, substantial benefits are in reach for individuals, organisations and the environment alike.”

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