PETnology Europe 2025

Successors appointed - growth course continues

1:00 min Sorting and collection

For the new management team of S+S Separation and Sorting Technology GmbH the focus lies on further internationalisation

With the VTC group as a partner, the top management team of S+S Separation and Sorting Technology GmbH, Schönberg, was changed in the course of the related appointing of successors. On 1 April 2012 Xaver Auer, who had gathered many years of management experience in the optical industry, was appointed new managing director of S+S.

During a transition phase Xaver Auer manages the company together with the two previous partners / managing directors Karl Eibl and Helmuth Frisch, and with Peter Mayer. Mayer is another successor in the company's management team and has worked at S+S since 1996. He has decisively developed and successfully managed the "sorting" business unit. Starting from 1 January 2014 Auer (40) and Mayer (44) will manage the company together.

Auer will focus on the “food” and "plast/non food" business units, Mayer will continue to manage the "sorting" business unit. Internally, Auer will assume business management responsibilities, while Mayer will be responsible for the technical sector.

"The international business and its growth is of outstanding importance for the further expansion of our global market presence. For the successful future of S+S on the international markets the combination of Xaver Auer's industry experience and Peter Mayer's many years of technical experience are the ideal success basis", says S+S managing director Helmuth Frisch.

Starting from 1 January 2014 Xaver Auer and Peter Mayer will together manage S+S Separation and Sorting Technology GmbH in Schönberg. Karl Eibl and Helmuth Frisch will then retire from their S+S management positions. From left to right: Karl Eibl, Peter Mayer, Helmuth Frisch, Xaver Auer. (Photo: S+S)

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