Sidel India has received two prestigious silver trophies. The specialist for complete beverage packaging solutions was offered the “Supplier Performance Silver Award” by Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages and was honoured by the Plastindia Foundation for its outstanding production equipment.
2012 started out well for Sidel India: In January, Sidel was honoured by Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd (HCCB). HCCB is responsible for the manufacture, sale and distribution of beverages across the country. At the annual Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Strategic Supplier Summit in Gurgaon, India, Sidel received the “Supplier Performance Silver Award 2011” in the category “Production Equipment”. The winners are determined according to the performance of their products and services provided to HCCB.
Shortly after receiving the award from its client, Sidel was also honoured by a leading industry organization. On February 1, the Indian industry association Plastindia Foundation offered Sidel the silver trophy in the category “Innovative Plastics Processing Machinery & Ancillary Equipment”. The prize was awarded on occasion of the Plastindia tradeshow in New Delhi where Sidel showcased its “Synergy Combi”. It is the first linear PET stretch blow molder combined with a linear filler in a single machine that is manufactured in India. The award recognizes the contribution of Sidel’s Synergy Combi to the local beverage market.
Sidel India in line with local market needs
The Synergy Combi was developed according to the industry needs for reduced energy consumption and space, combined with increased light-weighting capabilities. This award reflects Sidel's contribution to the Indian packaging industry, especially in terms of innovative equipment to match local market needs, says Subba Bangera, Sidel India Managing Director and Founding Director. “Sidel India looks forward to extending the Synergy Combi’s benefits for juice, milk and even non-beverage applications like liquid detergents and pharmaceutical products,” Bangera adds.