The combination of Logoplaste’s leadership in innovation with the extensive recycling expertise of Ecoiberia and World PET allows the Group to offer its customers sustainable, circular packaging solutions. These solutions not only significantly reduce the carbon footprint but also minimize the environmental impact of plastic waste.
The Problem: Material loss due to metal contaminants in the recycling process
Like in most recycling processes, companies such as World PET Recycling face the challenge of removing contaminants from recycled PET to meet the strict quality standards for food-grade materials. A major source of contamination is metallic foreign bodies, which can enter the material during the collection, processing, and preparation of plastic waste. To tackle this challenge, World PET previously used a GF metal separator to inspect PET flakes in the main material feeding line and remove metallic contaminants. However, this process led to significant PET material loss, as the entire contaminated fraction, including valuable material, was rejected. This resulted in an unnecessary loss of valuable material, impacting the company’s efficiency and driving up production costs. Against this backdrop, World PET sought a solution that would enable the recovery of high-quality PET material discarded with contaminants while ensuring that the end product remained free from metal impurities.
The Solution: Precise metal separation with the RE-SORT RV 070 Unit
Sesotec´s partner in Portugal Iberoacero provided a customized solution to this problem with the installation of the RE-SORT RV 070 unit. This advanced metal separation unit was designed to inspect heavily contaminated material and separate reusable PET from impurities. The RE-SORT functions as a secondary filtering system, complementing the existing GF metal separator by re-inspecting the reject fraction from the initial separation.