PETnology Europe 2025

Quick mold changeover: 50 seconds to change a blowing mold

0:50 min Two step moulds
Vittorio Veneto

SIPA has launched its new patented quick blowmold changeover with the aim of improving the flexibility of its SFR rotary blowmolding system by reducing the time required to skip from a format to another with a tangible decrease in machine downtime. The system is today available as an option for all models of the range of SFR Evo from 6 blowing cavities to 24 blowing cavities.

The new tool-free quick mold changeover system is our answer to flexibility requirements.

SIPA has launched its new patented quick blowmold changeover with the aim of improving the flexibility of its SFR rotary blowmolding system by reducing the time required to skip from a format to another with a tangible decrease in machine downtime. The system is today available as an option for all models of the range of SFR Evo from 6 blowing cavities to 24 blowing cavities. The required time to change a blowing mold is now 50 seconds with a reduction of 70% compared to the previous system. This changeover is very simple, safe, really ergonomic and it is easily done by un-locking/locking the two shells and the mold base. All tool-free operations can be performed by only one person. As a main advantage to the customer it brings a tangible improvement of the availability of the stretch blow-moulding machine in order to be better adapted to faster product changeover times on the filler.     

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