PETnology Europe 2025


PepsiCo & WWF Germany: Together for 100 percent recycled plastic

Berlin, Germany

Since March 2022, the WWF and PepsiCo Germany, one of the leading manufacturers of beverages and food, have been working on making the company's core business more sustainable. The WWF will accompany the transformation process both technically and communicatively. The transformative partnership should send out a signal for the entire large-scale beverage industry.

More sustainability in plastic packaging

Together, the WWF and PepsiCo Germany are developing guidelines, goals and measures for the strategic field of plastic packaging . The aim is to significantly increase the reusable rate and, where possible, to do without plastic packaging altogether. Unavoidable packaging should be processed into post-consumer recyclate (PCR) at the end of its life cycle and flow back into packaging production as a raw material. In the future, new plastic is to be completely replaced by recycled PCR materialwill. To make this possible, PepsiCo is aiming for 100 percent recyclability of all packaging by 2025. As early as October 2021, all of the carbonated beverage brands’ beverage bottles were converted to 100 percent recycled plastic.

In addition, PepsiCo is committed to ensuring due human rights due diligence in its supply chains and production processes.

Consumer campaigns make retail commitment visible

Campaigns extend PepsiCo's commitment to sustainability into retail. They make the transformative goals of the company visible and also generate income for nature and environmental protection . For example, PepsiCo triggers a payment to WWF Germany for every empty drink bottle that consumers return. The focus of the first campaign is on the 100 percent recycled bottles of the "Pepsi MAX" brand , the sugar-free and therefore reduced-calorie product line in the range. In the period from March 1st to May 15th, 2022, for every returned bottle, 5 cents go to the nature and environmental protection work of the WWF.

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