PETnology Europe 2025

New ECO-filters improve plastic film qualities

At K 2013 Ettlinger will introduce a second filter series with the product designation "ECO", tailored for less contaminated melt streams with content up to one percent by weight. The target group are applications where contaminants or temperature stress can degrade the material, as well as cross-linked or particularly high molecular weight fractions that arise in the manufacturing process of polymers that are to be separated.

The machine manufacturer Ettlinger designs and builds injection molding machines for special tasks, as well as high-performance melt filtration systems (ERF) for extrusion lines. The ERF-melt filters especially demonstrate their efficiency with a high contamination content of up to 18 percent by weight. At K 2013 Ettlinger will introduce a second filter series with the product designation "ECO", tailored for less contaminated melt streams with content up to one percent by weight. The target group are applications where contaminants or temperature stress can degrade the material, as well as cross-linked or particularly high molecular weight fractions that arise in the manufacturing process of polymers that are to be separated. The new line of ECO-filters have been proven in film and sheet production lines already.

Proven ERF melt-filter technology

The central element of the proven Ettlinger ERF-filter technology is a rotating filter drum, through which the melt flows and is available in different mesh sizes depending on the application.

This advanced technology is able to remove difficult to handle particles, such as paper or paint, as well as elastomers and aluminum.

By means of a precision scraper mechanism, the particles are lifted from the rotating filter drum and conveyed to the discharge screw. This design guarantees that there will always be significant open filter surface during production. Even if the amount of contamination were to vary within the input material, the ERF filter automatically adjusts providing reliable and stable production. This automatic adjustment within the control system is based on melt pressure changes causing the filter rotation speed up or slow down automatically. Therefore, the ERF-melt filters, available with throughput rates of up to 2500 kg / h, are the perfectly suited for recycling tasks.

ECO filter complement ERF Filters

At K 2013 Ettlinger will introduce a second filter series under the product designation "ECO". It relies on the basic function of the ERF-filter, but is specifically designed to support demanding extrusion processes - such as the production of films and sheets. In these applications the new ECO-filter can be used for materials with a degree of contamination up to one percent by weight.

Characteristic advantages of ECO-filter systems

The "ECO"-line is suitable for polyolefin-melts, but also for the higher temperature level of PET and PA-melts. A major application-advantage over recirculation systems is the very high consistency of the throughput volume and melt pressure. First experiences with the ECO-filters in production show that the use of an additional melt pump often can be omitted. Customers have also reported that the film quality is substantially more homogeneous than previously seen.

Author: Reinhard Bauer – TECHNOKOMM

Picture Ettlinger:
The new Ettlinger melt-filter series under the product designation "ECO" continues the working principle of the ERF filter, however, is matched to extrusion processes for superior product qualities, such as films and sheets

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