PETnology Europe 2025

(Photo credit: Migros)


Migros introduces beverage bottles made from 100% recycled PET

1:40 min Recycling & Compounding
Zurich, Switzerland

The well-known Migros syrup bottles are made of 100% recycled PET. This is the first time in Switzerland that the material cycle for PET bottles has been closed. For mineral water, this goal should also be achieved by 2025. With the use of recycled PET in its beverage bottles, Migros saves over 2,500 tonnes of new material each year.

From 2025, all PET bottles in the EU should contain a minimum of 25% recycled PET. Migros has already achieved this goal today. For example, Aproz bottles have consisted of an average of 35% recycled PET for several years. In the period up to 2025, Migros is now aiming for complete circuit closure by using up to 100% recycled PET for mineral water and sweet drinks. The syrup bottles already consist of 100% recycled PET and the mineral water bottles of up to 60% recycled PET. "With this change we reach a milestone," says Michel Charbonnet, CEO of Aproz. "The circuit closure is, so to speak, the Champions League in ecology. A bottle made of 100% recycled PET significantly reduces the environmental impact, saves resources and continues to be recyclable. "This is made possible primarily by the numerous and consistent returns of customers.''

PET bottles are one of the most environmentally friendly packaging for drinks. In addition to the use of recycled PET, Migros is also continually optimizing the shape of the bottles for ecological reasons. Over the last few years, it has been possible to save around 350 tonnes of new material each year by adapting the bottle shape of its own brands. The lids have also been made smaller so that less material has to be used. Thanks to such and other packaging optimisations, since 2011 Migros has saved or ecologically optimized almost 10,000 tonnes of packaging material.

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