PETnology Europe 2025

(Photo credit: Aptar)

New tethered closures

Aptar Food + Beverage launches range of tethered closures that comply with single-use plastic regulation recently adopted by the European Parliament

1:20 min Caps & Closure Technology
Crystal Lake,IL, United States

Aptar’s new tethered closures have been designed to meet the requirements of the new European regulation called “Single-Use Plastic” (SUP), recently adopted by the European Parliament on March 27th, as well as the AB 319 California legislation in the USA.

Both regulations have the goal of increasing the amount of bottles being collected and recycled, consequently reducing marine litter. As a result, the CPGs (Consumer Packaged Goods companies) have been calling upon their partners to develop solutions that not only comply with the new regulations, but also provide environmentally focused consumers with solutions that fit their lifestyles and provide them with the best packaging experience.

In-depth technical expertise in this area, in addition to industry knowledge and application experience, has enabled Aptar to develop solutions that support the new demands of the market. Aptar’s FLIP LID closure and Stay-With™ technology were both designed to promote post-use recycling, as the bands remain attached to the bottle, enabling the closure to go through the correct recycling stream.

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