
(Photo credit: TOMRA)


TOMRA launches market’s smallest three-material reverse vending machine

1:22 min Sorting and collection
Asker, Norway

Smaller stores now have a tailor-made reverse vending solution for their limited retail floor space, with today’s launch of TOMRA M1. From global reverse vending leader TOMRA Collection, TOMRA M1 is the smallest reverse vending machine (RVM) on the market that can recognize, sort and store glass, plastic and aluminum beverage containers all in one machine. The solution is designed for convenience stores and small supermarkets in deposit return systems covering multiple drink container materials and types.

TOMRA M1 requires just 0.62 square meters of floor space, so that smaller retailers can participate in deposit return systems and contribute to recycling. The standalone RVM measures just 98 cm wide, 63 cm deep, and stands at 165 cm tall. It can store up to 270 PET bottles, 550 cans, and 80 (uncrushed) glass bottles.

The affordable and compact RVM was specifically developed to fit with the shallower shelf space of convenience/small stores. Several new and upcoming deposit return systems have included smaller retailers as return points for drink containers, and in direct discussion with TOMRA these retailers requested a solution that could fit seamlessly with their limited space and existing shelf configurations and dimensions.

Deposit return systems add a deposit on top of the price of a beverage, which is refunded to the consumer when they return the empty container for recycling. This incentivizes the return of containers, which drives higher collection rates and combats litter. Deposit return systems often include "return-to-retail" legislation that requires stores selling beverages to also collect the containers for recycling after use.

"TOMRA M1 makes recycling possible in every store. A key challenge we heard from small retailers in new markets was a lack of space for a reverse vending machine. However, we believe that small retailers who sell a higher volume of drinks could see benefits to their store efficiency and customer experience from automating container returns, so the TOMRA M1 was born," explains Lars Andersen, product manager for TOMRA M1. 

"This latest reverse vending machine makes it easier for small and convenience stores to offer container return points for all of their shoppers, and contribute to positive environmental outcomes and a healthier planet. We have been excited to collaborate with retailers to develop TOMRA M1 specifically for their needs."

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