
Photo credit: SIDEL

The smart Sidel Super Combi brings equipment intelligence to today‘s production

Consumer preferences are broadening and overall demand is increasing due to unprecedented population growth, increased consumer spending power and growing demand for personalisation of products in terms of design and taste. The ability of production solutions to satisfy output requirements for new products efficiently, while implementing technologies that improve long-term viability, has become vital to manufacturers’ success. To address these challenges, Sidel introduces Super Combi, designed and engineered as a single smart solution for water and CSD producers.

Wisecap Sept2024

Sidel Super Combi integrates five process steps: preform feeder, blower, labeller, filler/capper and cap feeder. To deliver a self-optimising performance and increased long-term value, it combines intelligent automation with innovative technologies of connected machines and data-analytics management, leading to optimised production and maintenance services.

This next generation solution puts a focus on the product quality, differentiated branding options, and flexibility in production, while reducing total costs of ownership (TCO). Moreover, via its data-driven intelligence and advanced automation, Super Combi helps achieve the optimum performance easily and continuously across the entire production process, ensuring maximised uptime and production output at high or very-high speeds (up to 81,000 bph).



For big players in the water and CSD markets, supplying high-quality products to major retailers from their many plants – in a profitable way - has become vital for their success. This is even more critical if the number of SKUs they are handling is very high: they need production solutions that are able to satisfy output requirements for new products efficiently and easy- to-use technologies that improve long- term viability. This is also a main goal for Niagara Bottling LLC, a large supplier of low-cost, high-quality water in the US and Mexico. With more than 15 complete PET lines from Sidel installed at their production sites, the company recently decided to acquire a new high-speed PET line, including two Super Combis, to be able to deliver both performance and cost-efficiency.

Their choice is based on the positive trajectory the PET bottled water segment is showing in the US: it is expected to grow by a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 3% year on year between 2016 and 2020 (1). Already producing bottled water for Niagara’s markets, the Super Combis allow this bottler to increase efficiency through high-speed manufacturing and data management, used to guide information assessment and decision-making – from operator to management level.

As shown by the Niagara case, all in all beverage producers simply want a solution that does the thinking for them and acts on their behalf. Such autonomous regulation is, for instance, achieved via Sidel Intelli-adjustTM, able to control the system’s performance and automatically apply adjustments, wherever they are needed. Augmented reality guidance and GPS localisation are two examples of intuitive interfaces that help customers reduce maintenance time, minimise downtime and thus lead to long-term improvement of their performance.

In addition, for improved reactivity of the operator, Super Combi has an automated alert system to provide advanced timely reportedly EITTM (Efficiency Improvement Tool) audio and smart portables, on events such as changeovers, label or cap shortages and possible faults. Improved Root Cause Analysis (RCA) software enables intuitive intervention, thus facilitating the solution of these problems. By ‘learning from experience’, the Sidel InUse platform has the ability to calculate and predict possible future failures and optimise maintenance plans. This helps to speed up problem solving and offers the chance of timely detection of possible issues, as well as guidance for their successful resolution. The Super Combi also provides real-time access to the Sidel Big Data repository - where customer data is safely held under conditions of total cyber security - for refining its own prediction algorithms. This makes it possible to maintain, control and even improve the performance of main components and modules.


Throughout the world, sugar backlash, taxes on sugar-sweetened products to help fight obesity, transition to healthier lifestyles and consumer concern about safety of tap water offer tremendous potential for the bottled water market, already representing 334 Bn units, and expected to increase by 5% CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) (2). Greater China (GC), Greater Middle East & Africa (GMEA) and South East Asia Pacific (SEAP) lead the growth of this category.

Overall, the water segment is getting more and more sophisticated. With a deeper look, we can observe the following trends:


  • Suits me: healthy lifestyle drives natural food and drink consumption and healthy hydration, moving volumes from carbonated soft drinks (CSDs) and fruit juice to plain water as well as flavoured and functional waters; the latter ones particularly suitable for rehydration after sport

  • Suits my senses: experience-based consumption is behind the development of ‘premium’ solutions, new fla- vours for water, and personalisation through label and decoration, caps and secondary packaging. Premium water products are estimated to repre- sent 6% of the bottled water market, with the highest presence in Europe & Central Asia (ECA) and SEAP (18% and 4% of these markets respectively) (3)

  • Suits my lifestyle: on-the-go, active lifestyle pushes manufacturers to downsize bottles, adopt drink-from closures, and establish their brands via multiple distribution channels to reach moving consumers. This trend drives development of solutions to address the needs of different demographic segments, such as children (attracted via “baby water”, bottled in small and ergonomic containers and coming with spout closures) and elderly people (who can leverage targeted water products and ergonomic bottle designs)

  • Suits nature: environmentally con- scious consumption drives consum- ers’ preference for organic water, origin-controlled/certified water, bio- based bottle polymers, recycled con- tent materials

  • Suits my budget: the search for best value drives the introduction of simple and affordable solutions, basic and lightweight bottles, and reduction of costs across the value chain. Commodity water is estimated to be 37% of the bottled water market, with the highest presence in North America (NA), GC and SEAP (63%, 55% and 46% of these markets, respectively) (4)

The majority of the water category – where PET is the most largely used packaging material (87%) - is represented by still water (88% vs. 22% sparkling water), with an expected 6% CAGR in the timeframe 2017-2020 (5). 

(1), (2), (3), (4), (5) Euromonitor International

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