
(Photo credit: HoBag)

Bottle design

Ho.Bag introduces NIR detactable packaging

San Vendemiano TV, Italy

Ho.Bag Corporate introduces a new black bottle with all the characteristics to be green thanks to state-of-the-art NIR detectable pigments, a solution that meets sustainability and marketing needs.

PETnology Europe 2025 Pre Programm Registration

The packaging is a real communication tool, graphics and colors are designed to attract consumers’ eye and capture their attention through targeted messages. However, today, the needs of brands in terms of design and image have to satisfy also some sustainability requirements. In the case of cosmetics packaging, which life cycle is typically short, is important to consider how the product will be dismissed after the use and give consumers all the tools to save the environment.

An example are black bottles. Eyecatching but difficult to recycle. Why? The carbon black pigments used to give the bottle the dark and full color, absorb ultraviolet and infrared spectrum used by near-infrared optical sensors installed in the plastic wastes sorting plants. As a result, the bottle can not be dismissed in the correct stream.

The new carbon black free bottles meet brands needs both in terms of communication and sustainability. Let’s discover what we can do for your product with Ho.Bag Corporate.

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