
SEALPAC A6 traysealer. (Photo credit: Sealpac)

Sealed tray saves on plastic

Baumann Vertriebs GmbH & Co. invests in SEALPAC A6 double lane traysealer for top sealing of resource-saving rPET trays

Oldenburg, Germany

Fresh berries are a real power snack: light and tasty, with few calories and lots of valuable vitamins, well suited for use in muesli, smoothies or yoghurt, as well as for baked goods and many more. They can be obtained, for example, through the company Baumann Vertriebs GmbH & Co. from Geiselhöring in southern Germany. This family company, which has existed for several generations, has been active in the berry business since 1995. With a team of 64 employees and around 780 directly employed seasonal workers, Baumann cultivates around 960 hectares of land and supplies food retailers throughout Germany, as well as Austria and Switzerland.

The company is clearly feeling the growing berry trend. Starting this season, Baumann has been delivering its fresh fruit in trays made from resource-saving rPET. Instead of using a snap-on lid, these trays are now sealed with a thin, peelable top film. For this purpose, a SEALPAC A6 traysealer was purchased. In the process, Baumann benefited from the comprehensive advice and support of Sealpac GmbH, which even allowed the company to open up a new business area. We spoke with Annika Baumann, CEO at Baumann Vertriebs GmbH & Co, about the company’s move towards tray sealing.

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