
(Photo credit: ALPLA)


ALPLA: In-house production drastically reduces CO2 emissions

Hard, Austria

Around the world, ALPLA operates 71 of 181 production facilities as in-house plants, right next door to the customers. These plants avoided around 43,000 tonnes of CO2e in 2019, which is the equivalent of 13,000 flights from Vienna to Rio de Janeiro.

It is currently being traded as the ‘new currency’ because its significance – or better said, its impact – is so vastly important in our times: CO2. Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are responsible for global warming. This warming has to be – and for experts, this is a certainty – curbed as swiftly as possible. Otherwise it will end in a climatic catastrophe with a devastating impact on our planet, such as droughts or rising sea levels.

Transport and energy and heating supplies produce the most greenhouse gases. Whoever reduces the production of these gases is making a significant contribution to counter climate change. ‘From this perspective, we have looked at our in-house plants and come to a staggering conclusion,’ reports Linda Staib, Sustainability Manager at ALPLA. ‘Our 71 in-house plants avoided 43,000 tonnes of CO2 or carbon equivalent in 2019.’

The following comparisons prove that 43,000 tonnes less CO2e is a significant contribution to climate protection: 43,000 tonnes of CO2e are the equivalent of what 2.13 million trees would take from the air. You could also take the train from Munich to Berlin and back 1.3 million times or fly from Vienna to Rio de Janeiro 13,000 times.

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